How to Study More Effectively

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
One of the questions I seem to get asked all the time is how to study more effectively... so today I'm going to share some my best tips with you!
                In work with and coach many students from high school through to university and professionals who are furthering their education and one of the biggest challenges most of them face is constantly being distracted.
                So rule number one when it comes to studying effectively is to remove your distractions, turn your phone off and create an environment in your house or at work or at school where you can focus on your work... create your own sanctuary for learning.
                Rule number two: Work in a small blocks of time, I notice too many students who are over studying and that is usually the least effective way to absorb information. You want to work in 15-45 minute blocks of intense focus without distractions.
                Once you have studied and applied your self intensely for whatever period of time you can handle, then you have to get into the habit of going for walk or exercising for 10-20 minutes before you hit the books again. Walking or working out between study sessions will allow you to be more effective in your next session but it will also help you to be more mindfull and absorb the material you have just been studying on a subconscious level.
                Rule number three: Study in the early hours of morning when you have a fresh mind, body and spirit. If your study and education is so important to you, why would you wait untill the end of the day when you are feeling exhausted to study? Not to mention there are no distractions before 5am..
                Rule number four: Studying is like any other discipline in life - it requires you to take a holistic approach, so you have to factor in diet, rest, exercise and your overwall wellbeing. Don't expect great results if you're busy partying, drinking, eating junk food and going to bed at all hours of the day... You're in training right now and that means you have to train your body, mind and soul so you can perform at your highest level and learn your craft.
                Remember you're not studying to just pass a test - you're studying to learn so you can apply that knowledge in some useful way in your life. :))
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb



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